Business Account

Customized Solutions

For larger businesses with more complex needs, we provide advice and customized solutions that are right for you. This may include a broad range of cash management services that work in conjunction with your operating account(s) to help ensure efficient cash flow for your business.

Receive a customized fee schedule based on your business' needs

Manage electronic payments and transfers, make deposits in-branch and more

Availabe in U.S. and foreign currencies

Earn a competitive interest rate

Track your account activity with detailed monthly statements

Trust Account

This account is designed to simplify the account and administration for businesses or organizations that hold funds on behalf of clients, as part of their normal business operations. Typical users are lawyers, real estate agents and accountants.

Separate monitoring of the daily balance for each trust deposit

Monthly statements showing each participant’s trust deposit contributions

Interest calculated on the daily closing balance

Where arrangements are in place, interest earned on mix trust accounts may be remitted directly to the relevant governing bodies on your behalf

How It Can Work For Your Business

Earns interest on funds while "in trust"

Reduces workload as it simplifies account for "in trust" deposits

Business Savings Account

Earn a competitive interest rate on surplus funds based on a tiered rate structure. Available for any currency, this savings account offers a high degree of liquidity and is intended for surplus balances in excess of $100,000.

A business savings account that is linked to your company’s operating account

How It Can Work For Your Business

Earn a competitive interest rate on surplus funds over $100,000 without having to make arrangements with a money market trader/dealer

Transfer funds to and from your Business Savings Account through PALOALTO Online Services or through your PALOALTO Trust Branch